Above: The Lab.
The whole crew was sessioning at Ocean Park on Saturday. The internship was about was almost over and Lionel would be leaving us.
So Angel, (AKA Young Ange) decided that we should take the intern around LA and show him what's up after hours.
So Young Ange swung by the lab and scooped us up in the lex and the club tour began...

Worldwide Activate...BOOM!

The stereo's bass was bumpin' and the intern was feelin' it in the back!
"Angel, please come out and hang wth us. Pleeeaase!"-One of many girls calling for Young Ange!
We hit Sunset strip and the first stop of the tour was Miyagi's. In LA, it's all about who you know and Angel knows a lot of people.
We were rollin' VIP. Angel claims, "there's no other way to roll! No lines! "
The party was jumpin' on all three levels, but we headed to the top deck.
I can't say anything bad about the scenery except they need Divesion on the TV monitors!
When we roll up on the scene, even security tries to get in on the action!
We bring the action on the top of the triple deck. We're WORLDWIDE, so what'd you expect!
How's the intership going, Lionel?
Although Miyagi's was fun, we had to break out and head to the west side for the next stop in Santa Monica....BUSBY'S!

We rolled up to Busby's, and commented on the long line as we were escorted VIP into the place. ;-)
It was packed, wall to wall with not much elbow room, and the DJ was spinning all the hits.
Yo! I'm surrounded!
We kicked worldwide over to the platform and met some new friends from Poland.
By the looks on their faces, Young Ange and Lionel definitely aren't mad at what's going down on the platform!
Next time you visit Santa Monica, you might want to hit up Busby's and kick it to TV monitors that will soon be graced with images of flatlanders from around the world! It was a good night from Sunset Strip to Santa Monica. That's how it goes down at the lab. We met some new friends and rolled out 'til the next episode....